Thursday, April 2, 2009

What you want to eat ?

When we bring our kids out for lunch or dinner, normally we will ask them .....
"What you guys want to eat ?"
When we ask such question to them, what do we as parent really expect from them ?

Mom : " Ok guys....lets go out and eat !"
Kids : " Yeah !"
Mom : " What you guys want to eat ?"
Kids : " MacDonald !"
Mom : " What ! MacDonald again ! Do you know MacDonald is not healthy !"
Kids : " But we really wish to have MacDonald !"
Mom : " No. So, What else you guys want to eat ?"
Kids : " KFC !"
Mom : " My goodness, you guys just had KFC last week, KFC also not too healthy !"
Kids : " Ouuuu !"
Mom : " So, what you guys want to eat, come on, quick....make up your mind !"
( Mom started to get were the kids ! )
Kids : " Sushi King !"
Mom : " Aiyoh, too expensive-lah ! So, what else you guys wish to have for dinner ?"
( Kids started to get confused and frustrated )
Mom : " Ah ! I know, let's go for chicken rice ! "
Kids : "................."

Kids mumbling... : "...then why you ask us in the first place !?"

...........Most of the time, before we ask our kids "what you guys want to eat ?" , we do not really mean let them decide whatever they want, we normally wish to hear something that is acceptable by us. So, why we ask them such question in the first place ?

So, next time just bring them straight to where you want to go or really let them decide ! If you really let them decide, then let them decide.