Sunday, May 3, 2009

When the light turned red !

Today, I was driving to work. As usual, traffic was heavy and time was running short. Just like many other drivers, I was trying to squeeze my way through.....going through some extremely bumpy roads, cutting lanes and doing some crazy acrobatic manuevers. Finally I was cleared. Noticing the traffic light in front of me was still green, I step on my accelerator hoping to beat the light.....closer ! closer ! almost there....getting closer, "just hold on for another 5 seconds...please !" I was talking to myself. Unfortunately, the traffic light turned red. I hit my car stops. " Damn it ! I missed it by merely 2 seconds !" I was so frustrated that I had to wait for the next green light.
In my mind I was thinking " All the efforts of getting through the jam was wasted ! "
However, I suddenly got inspired !

Just imagine if I was trying to close a deal with this client. I did all that I could to get to the final hurdle ( going through the jam ), but because of one minor set back, my client had decided to sign the deal with another supplier. It's just like being held back at the last minute when the light turned red.

Hey, don't feel bad and frustrated. All the effort done earlier will not go to waste. In fact, those efforts and good jobs done has given me the pole position when the next chance comes.